Strength&Conditioning Specialist (Football)
Associate professor & Course Leader @ University of Suffolk
Research Lead in Sport and Exercise Science
Associate Editor of the Journal of Strength&Conditioning Research (USA)
Consultant for professionals football teams in Italy and England
Dr. Marco Beato has been collaborating with Desmotec since 2017.
He is particularly interested in the Strength & Conditioning research, using flywheel devices (i.e., Desmotec).
He is a Associate Professor in Sport and Exercise Science at School of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Suffolk, Ipswich, UK.
- Coordinator of the PhD programme in Sport and Exercise Sciences at UOS
- Course Leader BSc Strength & Conditioning (since 2018);
- Course Leader BSc Sports Coaching (since 2016 to 2019);
- Research Lead in Sports and Exercise Sciences.
- Member of the ethical committee in the School of Health and Sports Sciences;
- Nominated for a Staff & Student Award (most inspiring Lecturer, 2018);
- Associate Editor of the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (since
2018); - 80 scientific publications on peer-reviewed journals (H-index >20)
Full list of publications: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marco-Beato-2?ev=hdr_xprf&_sg=jvHyqaXZ2rip8yK8xLX_AxQl15RoKyY9W2Ex05GLurW2zVAn4F_lS8ewApYH92vhWFKfBxHIHN-jKwDMaMFPOONS