Patients look for a speedy and safe rehab, athletes want to prevent injuries. Eccentric training with Desmotec resistance is the key to avoid injuries in the field and in every day life, as well as accelerating recovery avoiding muscular unbalance. The testing capabilities allow to track progression and balance giving real time feedback.
Patients look for a speedy and safe rehab, athletes want to prevent injuries. Eccentric training with Desmotec resistance is the key to avoid injuries in the field and in every day life, as well as accelerating recovery avoiding muscular unbalance. The testing capabilities allow to track progression and balance giving real time feedback.
PININFARINA LINE and FULL.LINE (optional) machines are certified as Medical Devices according to the EU pertinent dispositions and directives.

Go beyond with an effective rehab
Growing results thanks to a fast, safe and effective training method, based on the end user’ capabilities
Opportunity to manage and take care of more patients at the same time, maximizing investment and task
Property software for in-depth analysis useful to track parameters and improve outcomes
Addition of a medical fitness service by means of post-rehab workouts for the maintenance and enhancement of former patients
Shared scientific contents available created by the Academy and the community of physios and trainers
Attractive and non-intimidating Pininfarina design that brings the patients closer to the training method without hesitation
In Rehabilitation the keywords are: safety, speed, control. In eccentric training the power expressed is always equal to the end user effort and capabilities, therefore the workout grants fast and effective results with a low impact. The Desmotec system allows to work out with the correct balance in the eccentric action, enhancing the role of this training phase. During the eccentric actions, the muscular fibres stretching create micro-adaptations of the muscular tissue, useful to regenerate the muscle and prevent injury.
In Rehabilitation the keywords are: safety, speed, control. In eccentric training the power expressed is always equal to the end user effort and capabilities, therefore the workout grants fast and effective results with a low impact. The Desmotec system allows to work out with the correct balance in the eccentric action, enhancing the role of this training phase. During the eccentric actions, the muscular fibres stretching create micro-adaptations of the muscular tissue, useful to regenerate the muscle and prevent injury.

BIOFEEDBACK: manage individual sessions
The Desmotec software provides a continuous feedback about the power developed and the quality of the eccentric and concentric training session
BIOFEEDBACK: manage individual sessions
The Desmotec software provides a continuous feedback about the power developed and the quality of the eccentric and concentric training session

Desmotec devices are fitted to treat every kind of pathology, allowing the patient to gradually and safely recover from different injuries. Thanks to the software D.Soft, physiotherapists are able to track progress, prepare personalized rehab programmes and study and analyse in depth all the data provided.