Scientific study for Physiotherapists

It was presented at the “XXII International Congress of Sport Rehabilitation and Traumatology”, in Milan Italy.
The study was published by Sebastiano Zuppardo, Physiotherapist, knee specialist and Desmotec Academy member.

The aim of this project was to assess the eccentric strenght deficit during the last rehabilitation phase after ACL reconstruction and the recovery of such deficit after resuming agonistic sport activity. The device DESMOTEC D.SPORT was used during the research process.




Desmotec D.SPORT


This study tries to assess the eccentric strength deficit during the last rehabilitation phase after ACL recnstruction and the recovery of such deficit after resuming agonistic sport activity. As a matter of fact, many studies have lately focused their attention on the recovery of the eccentric strength by means of rehabilitation protocols with earlt high intensity resistance exercises stimulating the eccentric phase.

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